I don’t want to be treated like a queen,
Nor a whore, nor a wife,
But like a Goddess, in the full-moon
Aspect of her life
I want to be teased and tantalised
Seduced and sedated
Needed and needful
Quenched and abated
I want lingering kisses
And whispers til dawn
To be heard, to be worshipped
To be fawned upon
I want to be servant and master
And equal, one and the same
I want to be screamed
Out loud, in body and name
I want to be held through the messiness
And have my tears wiped away
To be told ‘it’s only human’
And ‘I love you anyway’
I want to be admired and respected
And held in high esteem
To be surrendered to longing
And awakened from the dream
I want to be held in the gaze
Of trusting eyes
Eyes that know no betrayal
And eyes that tell no lies
I want to lean into love
And feel it lean back
To feel no resistance
Nor failure, nor lack
I want no broken promises
Or long-winded vows
I want the answers in the being
Without the whys and hows
I want to sigh into togetherness
And hold my own space
I want to see my love reflected
In another’s face
I want to be touched all over
By a hot feather-mouth
And I want to be loved
From the inside out
I want to fall into an embrace
And to be held like a bird
Quivering into tenderness
Without even a word
I want trembling hands to adorn me
Cover me from head to toe
To be overwhelmed with the beauty
That only lovers know
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